The five senses

Step by Step,
I bring my hand to your face.
I caress you, drawing your lips
and I impregnate myself with your sensual humidity ...

Step by Step,
I look at your eyes, great and beautiful,
deep and intense,
a door to your soul ...

Step by Step,
I smell your perfume.
That smell of female
that envelops my senses
and raise the temperature
of my passion ...

Step by Step,
I walk with my tongue
the architecture of your body
as if he were a sculptor
of your curves,
a painter of your skin.
A thousand flavors that crowd
in the history of my life.
Sweet memories,
salty tears,
bitter moments ...

Step by Step,
I hear your voice
who calls me,
who asks me for help,
who says he loves me
I hear your voice,
that reproaches me,
who forgives me ...

I caress you, I look at you, I smell you,
I taste you, I hear you ...

Five senses
that form the woman that I want,
that I love.

Javier Sánchez


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