Eternal lover's sheets

White sheets that wrap your nake body.

White sheets which folds, 
they play to the hiding place with your skin.

This skin for that my hands look, 
they cross...

These hands, which they wrap,
that caress, 
that whisper, 
that they love...

White sheets of you will wake up beautiful,
white sheets of eternal lover.

Javier Sánchez

The way of the loneliness 

I walk down a dark street,

of long shadows,
Now alone, sad.

The rain wet me and its drops,
mold my face.

Drops, that join my tears.
Tears, they remind you.
that oppress my soul.

I walk down a dark street,
of long shadows
and your image invades my mind.

I remember your lips,
soft at times, always burning,
going through my body,
span to span, hollow to hollow ...

I remember your smell of a female,
filling my senses ...

But now...
you're just a dream,
a cursed dream that hits my heart,
a vengeful dream,
that oppresses him, that squeezes him ...

I walk down a dark street,
of long shadows,
the rain wet me
and you are not with me.

Javier Sánchez


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