It was a beautiful morning of spring in Nunavut, the land of the inuik in the north of Canada, when the young person inuk Kunuk and his father the great hunter Ituko went out to the exterior sea, to the hunt for the walruses, in his kayaks.

It was a midday, when father and son came to a channel surrounded with big and high icebergs. The whole world knows that it is not possible to hunt by night, because Amarok, the spiritof the wolf, devours the one who dares to do it.
Suddenly, Aarluk, the great killer whale, emerged of the water with an enormous jump 
and looking at them fixedly it returned to submerge in the chill waters. Everything had happenedin brief minutes. The two inuik, steeped up to the bones and even not recovered of the surprise, but contentments for preserving his lives, said a prayer to Qailertetang, protective of the fishermen and hunters for having saved them.
-Aarluk, there has excused us father.
- this way he is a son. It is just and knows that Ituko and his tribe, always have respected to  all the animals of the kingdom of the ices.
When they returned to the village, the whole tribe was assembled by the shaman, in the great houseof moss and stone, to listen it attempts what both hunters had to count. Little by little, Ituko,counted to the hearing, between ripples of admiration, the fantastic adventure that father and son had led. The assistants, at the conclusion of the statement, returned to his shops exchanging passionate comments.

That night, Kunuk took a decision: it would be going to see Aarluk, the master of the killer whales, in order that it was allowing him to hunt in his domains. Scarcely he slept. Strange nightmares,of gigantic killer whales of enormous teeth, were striking his mind.

The following day, the young person inuk, went with firm step, towards the edge of the glacial one that was situated not very far from the village. The sea was splashing with foam the hard ice while kunuk, giving strong shouts, was calling Aarluk's attention.

Already it was losing the hope, when a great head of black and shining skin, color emerged of the waters emerald. Scarcely recovered of the impression, the boy recovered the speech:

- Great Aarluk, I have come to ask you to allow to my tribe to hunt walruses in your kingdom  of sea and ice.

Later, a soft sound wrapped the brain of the inuk: 

-Tikilluarit (welcome) good Kunuk, I am Arferut Kigutai (tooth of whale), master of the clan  of the killer whales of the Iluliaq. Already I know that your tribe respects the souls of the  inhabitants of the Great North. Because of it I have decided to help you. Come, rise to my loin,  fight to my fin strongly and iremos to a place called Anori Aput (wind of snow).

To several local kilometres, a bobsled thrown for exhausted huskys, Arctic dogs, was crossing  the plain frozen in search of the young person inuk. Ituko, stopped the dogs and looked over  the horizon in search of some sign of his son. It was very worried. Kunuk already was doing several hours that it had eliminated and many were the dangers that existian in the frozen  high plateau.

- I let's be where your son, great hunter is.

A hoarse voice resounded in the brain of the chief inuk.

- Nanuk, master of the ices, indeed do you know it?.

 - Nothing escapes to my sharp sight. He is in Anori Aput, in company of the master of 
   the killer whales of the clan Iluliaq. It leaves your bobsled and follow me.

The great white bear with a brief gesture of his enormous claw, indicated Ituko who 
should accompany him. They had travelled several kilometres when Nanuk, with 
an inclination of his majestic head, indicated an enormous cave in a distant iceberg.

- Graces, father I dare, promise to bring the best walrus that it could hunt to feed 
  your small ones.

And going towards the great cavern he said goodbye with a movement of his hand,
while Nanuk's figure was getting lost in the horizon.

When it went on to another side of the cave, the spectacle that was opened before the amazed  eyes of the chief of Nunavut's inuik, it was of a radiant beauty. Crossing a labyrinth of ice,  where the beams of the dying Sun the iceberg was turning into a wizards' symphony colors,  one found with a numerous flock of aivik (walrus) romping between the ice and the cold waters.

 - Father, already you have come!. It knew that you would find me.

- Kunuk, my son, that happiness to be alive. It exclaimed Ituko, while it was embracing 
  with tenderness and satisfaction his son.

- I have never been in danger father, Arferut Kigutai has protected me at all time from any  danger and in addition it will allow us to hunt walruses in his territory.

And of this form, it was never absent show restraint for the inuik of Ituko and Kunuk. 
The respect between all and the love to the nature that surrounds us, does to us that the  cycle of the life never breaks. This one is an education that Kunuk, the young person  inuk of Nunavut, never forgot. 

( The names that are not in English are in the language inuik)



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