
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2018
THE SUNKED GALLEON When Javier came to Beach the Pines, in Key Sabina, in Camagüey’s Cuban province, looking for new ideas for the argument of his new book, did not imagine that one was going to think with a history that it could rival with “ The old man and the sea “ of Ernest Hemingway. His publisher was ordering him messages, urging the young person journalist whom it was ending as soon as possible. The period of edition were becoming exhausted and production was starting worrying.  At the moment, sat under the roof of straw of an old hut and tasting a refreshing mojito, Javier was contemplating the horizon of color emerald, hearing as the waves rompian in the shore with a monotonous and sleeping noise. A noise of infantile voices, it called his attention. It got up and went towards a group of little children who sat about an enormous ceiba, were listening to the old man fisherman Manuel. The elder looked at him during a moment and greeted with a slight gesture of ...
EL GALEÓN HUNDIDO Cuando Javier llegó a Playa los Pinos, en Cayo Sabina, en la provincia cubana de Camagüey, buscando nuevas ideas para el argumento de su nuevo libro, no imaginó que se iba a encontrar  con una historia que podía rivalizar con "El viejo y el mar" de Ernest Hemingway. Su editor le mandaba mensajes, apremiando al joven periodista a que acabara lo antes posible.  Los plazos de edición se agotaban y producción empezaba a preocuparse. De momento, sentado bajo la techumbre de paja de un viejo bohío y degustando un refrescante mojito, Javier contemplaba el horizonte de color esmeralda, oyendo como las olas rompian en la orilla con un ruido monótono y durmiente. Un ruido de voces infantiles, llamó su atención. Se levantó y se dirigió hacia un grupo de chiquillos  que sentados alrededor de una enorme ceiba, escuchaban al viejo pescador Manuel. El anciano le miró durante un momento y saludó con un leve gesto de su cabeza. Sus ojos reflejaban la sabi...